Building On Jesus...

Come and join us as Pastor LL Parish shares the Word of God with a new light, applying the Word of God in the areas of life that addresses the needs of today's Christian. The word of God is meant to be applied to every need we have in life yesterday, today, and forever. Pastor LL Parish, through the love of God delivers the Word in a clear and concise way that addresses the needs of God's people. We would like to share the love of God with you at the Solid Rock Church in Arlington, Texas. Fellowship with us as we share the life and love of Jesus Christ. Join us as we lift Him up every Sunday morning through praise, worship, and song. Come make a joyful noise unto the Lord with us and find your home. You are welcome... welcome... welcome.
God Can Change Your Circumstances...
No matter what you are going through, God can change your circumstances. You may feel like you can't handle the situation you are experiencing, but Jesus is right here waiting for you to call his name so he can speak with you and comfort you. You may feel like you've done too many things that may be considered bad or evil, but understand that God is an all forgiving God and no matter what you've done or what you are going through, He still loves you. He's waiting with open arms to welcome you into his peace and embracing arms of love. Just give Jesus Christ a chance and your life will never be the same again.